Sophrology at the hospital

Sophrology at the hospital, treat with sophrology
Sophrology as a complementary therapy : Sophrology
More and more hospitals work with sophrologists to relieve pain in patients. Sophrology is helpful to those who suffer from chronic pain in their backs, nerves and due to illness. An example : At the Dieppe hospital center sophrology is offered to patients suffering for more than three months from chronic pain.
Another example : at CHRU in Tours, sophrology sessions have gone as far as replacing morphine in some cases.
Pain specialist, Doctor Anne Philippe says: « This is the future, Increasingly patients are choosing to stop pharmaceutical treatment for less conventional methods.
Sophrology is also currently used with patients in post chemotherapy treatment and to help with the trauma of being diagnosed with illness.
Since 2017, the Curie institute in Paris, has been offering the possibility of individual sophrology sessions to inpatients hospitalized in the oncology ward. Six weekly one hour sessions are offered.
Some testimonials from nurses trained in sophrology :
Judith from the cardiology ward at the hospital center de la côte fleurie in Calvados says :
« Since the sophrology sessions have been added at the hospital, the staff feel greater support and have had their concerns addressed. Each sessions brings well-being and increases their confidence. »
« It is vital to spread the use of sophrology to all the hospitals in France, not only for the sick patients but also for the hospital staff. »
Danielle Durieux, is a sophrology nurse who helps those suffering from Alzheimer as well as assisting the family members. She uses exercises that soothe, in order to maintain calm and to support social skills. For those suffering from Alzheimer she adapts the exercises : keeping eyes open , standing with assistance, sitting or lying down (RD1).. She practices sophrology regularly with the family in order to help them overcome their anxiety, fatigue, to revitalize, and above all to not neglect themselves.
Conclusion : Sophrology should be proposed as an alternative medicine in all hospitals
* Fibromyalgia : An illness which causes widespread chronic pain all over the body, other symptoms are sleeping problems, fatigue and anxiety